Saturday, July 7, 2012

2 Months Later...

Well, it's only been two months since I last wrote but I finally have internet and some time, since I'm waiting for my brother & his fiance because I'm the DD. Yes, my life is so much fun on a Friday night.

To begin updating would be simple. I've basically done nothing for the past two months aside from helping clean, rearrange, & paint the house and shed. It was driving me crazy so I got a job last McDonalds. After my first actual day, I'm thankful to say that I think my love for the place is cured. I don't want to see another friggin french fry, although I'm awesome at cooking them. ;)  The smell of the grease from the hamburgers makes me want to vomit, although it did at DQ too. Oh well, money's money and I need some. I've got alot of bills to pay coming up with the horses and possibly moving to Texas.

Countdown is on for pageant! Only two more weeks and today I got told that my dress, the one that I absolutely adore and always get compliments on, is what lost me the crown last year. I was informed today that I apparently won the interview portion and was high enough points-wise in every other division that I would've had the crown except that the judges thought my dress made me look plain. For starters, my dress is anything but plain however, since it was brown and gold, which matched my hair, they weren't thrilled. So now I have strict orders to find a new dress (in 2 weeks!) that is the same style but in jewel tones such as teal, eggplant, or jade. This is going to be quite the task! Keep your fingers crossed for the 21st!

Being away from all life's adventures and trials has allowed me time to think and look back on the things that have always been so dear to me. A few weeks I began to miss judging. Alot. I have toying with the idea of judging and the decision has been made. If I decide for sure to judge again then it will be at West Texas A&M. Because I have to finish my Associate's degree this fall at Carl Sandburg College, I won't be able to judge again until next fall. Although this is unfortunate, it will give me plenty of time to 1. Actually make a decision and stay with it. 2. Save money to move to Texas.  Right now McDonalds is giving me enough hours that I should be able to make enough money to move but I also have 2 saddles that I need to buy for Lucky & P. Jill & Tristian are up this week and I have absolutely adored talking with Jill, especially tonight at Barn Crawl. Jill has invited me to live with her for awhile if I do decide to move to Texas. She thinks she can even get me a job near Dallas & find a place to keep P. I plan on staying with her for a long weekend this fall if possible. I know that I'm going to try to be down there towards the middle of December to ride back with Kayla for break. A 16 hour trip is too far to do alone. :) Hopefully I'll be able to make 2 trips down in the next few months. I need to talk with Pipkin about judging and get a feel for the school.

Hopefully the updating will continue but for now this is it. I'm tired and the partyers need to come home soon. Being responsible can be so boring sometimes but this is what I'm here for since I left the party early. :)

Insert picture here with your imagination since my hard drive crashed so guess who doesn't have any pictures left.