Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 3-

Today is day 3- the final day of my diet this week. As of this morning, I am only down 2 pounds, which is somewhat depressing however, I do know that I have not been working out like it says you're supposed to. I worked out yesterday but I had also crumbles and had a mini-cupcake. So my working out probably only brought me back to normal.
Regardless, I am pleased to have known that I did this. I will continue with this diet for the rest of the day, then attempt it again next week for school as well. I can only hope that I do not gain the weight back. Even though I've only lost 2 pounds so far, I am hoping that it's the start of a very rewarding process. I will admit that I do feel better. I have noticed that I haven't needed my "sugar kicks." The coffee has been a very yummy treat and I find that I look forward to coffee at McDonalds each morning between classes. The meals have not been terrible and surprisingly they do fill me up. This diet does work, just not the "up to 10 pounds." Hopefully next week I can attack this with a vengence and lose more than 2 pounds. Something's got to change. I am almost to the point where I feel like something's wrong with me. I know that my food intake can't drop too much more because otherwise I won't be eating at all. My fat intake isn't all that bad aside from the days that I work. I work out of a regular basis too. Nothing's been changing for me. I can drop a few pounds here and there but nothing like I need to. It just doesn't make sense.
Regardless, I will keep trying. It's not going to happen overnight, although that would certainly be nice. My goal is to be down 30 pounds by December.  That'd be perfect. I'd have a new body for my new life in Texas, so long as everything plays out like I want it to.

Monday, August 27, 2012

This time is For Real.

Well it's time for a change again. This time its for real. I'm finally 100% sick and tired of dealing with my weight issue. Being in college, having surgery, and working at McDonalds has certainly taken it's toll on me. Last year I was 20 pounds lighter and still thought that I was fat. Now I look at those pictures and wonder what the heck I was thinking. I should've loved and enjoyed that body! Now its just causing me to have image issues and keeps me dwelling on the fact that I am no where near what I want to be. My goal is to lose 30 pounds by the time I'm done. 35 pounds would be so incredible but that's just a dream. I would be tinyyy at that weight. Like very little. But that's what I want. I know that people claim that it's better to have a little extra as opposed to being underweight, in case you get sick. I don't think like that. I would much rather be too tiny because then even if I do get sick then I can eat plenty. I know that I could- and have- eat the pounds on like a crazy person. Saying no to food is a very difficult task for me.

However, today marks the day that I'm going to do it. Let's be real here- I've tried all the diets out there. I tried not having sugar, cutting out soda and all other sugary drinks, counting calories, and even Body by Vi, which does work by the way, just not for my lifestyle. I knew that I needed a change, a big one too. I'm staying in college for the next two and a half years, still working at McDonalds for the next 6 months at least, and will forever love food. It's my brain that needs re-wiring. I wanted a "diet", more like lifestyle change, that was proven and possible. So, during all my hours on Pinterest, which I find more than incredible, I came across the Military Diet. This diet is proven (check!) because the military recommends it to recruits who need to drop a few pounds before or during Basic training. It's 3 days long and supposedly you can lose up to 10 pounds, which I don't believe. I did my research and the average person lost 5 pounds during those 3 days. You are to do this diet 3 days on and then 4 days off, which fits my schedule perfectly. I am going to do this diet for the 3 days a week that I go to class and then of course I need to be more careful with what I eat at work during the 4 days that I am not doing the diet. I weighed in this morning for my starting weight. It sucks if whated to know. I had breakfast already, well most of it since I had to stop at the store to pick up the other half of it. Soon I will finish the other half of it before my next class. However, I'm in McDonalds having a coffee and forgot to bring my spoon in. Tonight I'll weigh myself again to see if I've lost anything, which hopefully will be some pound-age!! Again, my goal is to lost 30 pounds, which if I can do that then I will be the happiest girl alive. 35 pounds would literally make my life.

I want to be clear that I'm doing this because I simply am not happy with the way that I am. It's hard for me to look in the mirror everyday and think positive thoughts about myself. I know that it's probably not as bad as I think but it's not good. I know that. I am tired of thinking negatively and failing with other diets so this time I am 100% committed. Yes, it's a little uncomfortable to not be eating my usual things, or even fruit. I am not wavering from this diet for anything. Suprisingly enough, I'm not even hungry yet. I've only had a piece of toast with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter. I think that water and coffee, which are obviously both allowed, will be my saving grace. I had no idea that coffee tasted this good. :)

As for now, I'm off to eat my grapefruit and attend my Earth Science lecture.
 Fingers crossed!!