Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 3-

Today is day 3- the final day of my diet this week. As of this morning, I am only down 2 pounds, which is somewhat depressing however, I do know that I have not been working out like it says you're supposed to. I worked out yesterday but I had also crumbles and had a mini-cupcake. So my working out probably only brought me back to normal.
Regardless, I am pleased to have known that I did this. I will continue with this diet for the rest of the day, then attempt it again next week for school as well. I can only hope that I do not gain the weight back. Even though I've only lost 2 pounds so far, I am hoping that it's the start of a very rewarding process. I will admit that I do feel better. I have noticed that I haven't needed my "sugar kicks." The coffee has been a very yummy treat and I find that I look forward to coffee at McDonalds each morning between classes. The meals have not been terrible and surprisingly they do fill me up. This diet does work, just not the "up to 10 pounds." Hopefully next week I can attack this with a vengence and lose more than 2 pounds. Something's got to change. I am almost to the point where I feel like something's wrong with me. I know that my food intake can't drop too much more because otherwise I won't be eating at all. My fat intake isn't all that bad aside from the days that I work. I work out of a regular basis too. Nothing's been changing for me. I can drop a few pounds here and there but nothing like I need to. It just doesn't make sense.
Regardless, I will keep trying. It's not going to happen overnight, although that would certainly be nice. My goal is to be down 30 pounds by December.  That'd be perfect. I'd have a new body for my new life in Texas, so long as everything plays out like I want it to.

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