Saturday, May 5, 2012

How The Time Flies...

Well it's only been,you know, a full month since I've updated this.You can only imagine how much my life has changed in the past month too. First, let me explain my reasoning for taking so long to update this blog; my laptop hard drive crashed. :( I lost everything. Not even pictures were saved. It seriously comes down to what pictures are on my computer at home, on my flash drives, or what's still on my memory cards,which isn't that much.

I'm just going to move from even to event quickly and then tomorrow I'll try to elaborate on them more.
- BHE Barrel Races---not quite as successful as hoped.
- I'm buying Lucky!
- Vaquera is going up for sale this summer.
- I will not be graduating on time with a degree.
- 2 more weeks of school!!
- I have kept up on my goals. - essentially I got my act together.
- I'm going to Western Illinois University!
- Chicago was absolutely amazing with my friends!

 I took this picture last year on the Scenic Drive. This sign is in Knoxville, Illinois.

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