Thursday, April 25, 2013

Peace of Mind

It certainly has been awhile huh? Crazy to think that it's already the end of April and that in less than 3 weeks, I'll be moving back home for the summer. I thought this day would never come. I'm ready to be home. Things have turned around alot and I can honestly say that this place is growing on me. Maybe it's the opportunities that I'm getting or just the refreshed state of mind and peace within. Either way, things are looking up. I love my life; I would love to be closer to my family but I know that it isn't an option for another year.That's tough to comprehend but in one year, alot will have changed.

Speaking of change, my lifestyle certainly has. Work has been busting my butt and I've noticed a bit of change. Because I'm working outside and with horses, my arms are starting to take shape again and I can feel those abs hidden deep below. My legs are finally showing some definition too. I haven't really worked out much since spring break when my job starting picking up and really began. I've been wanting to lately and so yesterday I went for a really long powerwalk around the east side of Canyon. It felt so great to be outside with fresh air, peace and quiet, and a peace of mind too. I honestly left my mind blank out and didn't think about anything. I just enjoyed my time not fretting about school or worrying about time-management.

Today, actually like 20 minutes ago, I did my very first Crossfit challenge. I feel as though that's going to kick my butt. I plan on doing a little running and a few other starter workouts like that after I get home from work tonight. Unfortunately time is of the essence and I have a huge and very important test to study for that I get to take at 10am tomorrow so the after-work workout will have to be quick.

Much Love.

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