Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Today I am so blessed.

There are not words to describe the feeling right now. This morning I woke with extreme anxiety because I knew of all my tests ahead--literally. We were timed today in my speed class, I had a huge test in history, and a final in my math class that I knew I was not prepared for. I was so down on myself for not being prepared and I should've known better. Although my talks with God are silent to the world, I know that he is still there for me in every moment. I gave a silent shout-out to the man above to help me get through this day. I had pretty much accepted defeat on my test and final but I knew that I could control my barrel race. Normally, I get really nervous before I make a run because, let's face it, I'm a perfectionist. I don't want to make a mistake or look like an idiot. Today I blanked. My mind was gone and so were all those voices in my head. I was calm and excited for the run and guess what happened? I set the BHE arena record for this year so far! 16.608 was my time! That absolutely made my day! I finally had the confidence that had been so elusive for me.

As if the barrel racing wasn't enough, I went to my next class knowing that nothing could bring me down after that. I was going to try my best on the test even if I knew it wasn't going to be good enough. Turns out, by a series of events including not having enough tests, I get an extra day to take my test! Tomorrow I will be prepared for the test! I simply needed the extra day.

Also, topping my day off was that final that I was dreading. I had decided to drop the class because I knew I was going to fail and didn't want it affecting my GPA. I went to the teacher and explained reasoning for my poor performance these last 8 weeks. She happily signed the papers, dropping me from the class without even lecturing me. I was, of course, a little disappointed in myself for my performance but I took the paper to Enrollment to finalize everything. I had made myself a deal that I would sign up to repeat the class these next 8 weeks. As things turned out, I wasn't in the 1st 8 weeks. I was originally enrolled in the 2nd 8 weeks already!!! I get my do-over & I'm going to make it count! :)

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