Sunday, February 12, 2012

To take the Leap...

So because my everyday life isn't always the most interesting plus my inability to express my well-being through words of my own, I have come up with several quotes, pictures, and verses that can easily capture what my heart is trying to say.
This quote is one that I feel as though I need to hear every single day. It reminds me that risks are a necessary part of life. If I don't try something new then I'll always get what I've always got. It's perfect timing for me to have this quote because of my Florida plan.
This weekend I told my parents about Florida. I did it while eating at Perkins because I knew that my mom probably wouldn't cry in public. :) I still thought she was going to. After a few days to think about it, I think they're on board. The Florida Plan is my dream. Not only will I get to continue pursuing horses, I'll also have the opportunity to attend an excellent (and nationally ranked!!) school while living in such an incredible environment. I basically grew up in Florida and moving there had been a dream of mine. Of course, I never thought I'd actually do it and especially not for college but how can I pass this opportunity up? I simply can't. It's going to be so difficult to leave my family and friends but if they truly love me and care about me then they'll understand. This is what I've always wanted. No one can stop me now.
Self-doubt is evident right now and I cannot let it get to me. Can I really do this? Am I going to fail? What if it doesn't work? Then what? These thoughts constantly run through my mind, as well as the homesick ones and missing my family, the last few weeks before Tyler and Cassie's wedding, Austin's senior year; it's risking alot, but this is a risk that I need to take.

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