Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"Mary Mary quite contrary,
We get bored so we get married,
And just like dust we settle in this town.
On this broken merry go 'round and 'round and 'round we go..."

Kasey Musgraves definately hit that nail on the head. Don't get me wrong, I love Monmouth, I love the small- town life and all that it entails, however, I always knew it just wasn't for me. Having the same stories every week or even the regulars at the restaurant just doesn't cut it for me. Change and life are everything that I've needed.

Moving the Texas was huge. I can't say quite yet whether it was a good choice or a bad one. It's only been 9 days since I left home and only 5 days since my family said their goodbyes for the next 9 weeks. Never in my life have I been so far away from home for an extended period of time without my family. Although I like it here so far, I hate not having even the option to go home. Spring break will be my first opportunity to go home. After that, it's May. I must say that up until today I had been getting along pretty well without my parents here. It was very difficult to say goodbye and stand to watch them walk out the door last week. I know that although they're proud of what I'm accomplishing, it still hurts them to leave me here, not knowing what's going on or if I'm taking my vitamins or eating proper meals or even just doing laundry correctly.
Tonight it's really hitting me that they aren't going to walk through my bedroom door or yell at me to come eat dinner. I don't think I fully realize the extent of the situation just yet; however, it's starting. I can feel the consious that I've kept caged at the back of my mind start to prode around.

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