Monday, January 28, 2013

"Somewhere after midnight in my wildest fantasies..."

Today was full of memories and fantasies. Memories of the past, both good and bad, seem to entertain my thoughts on a regular basis nowdays. Mainly good memories infiltrate my daydreams; many of them my trials and errors while learning to ride, random spot-on's with Chip and other friends. Fantasies have taken up more time than usual. Generally I daydream of future events that are realistic, however, since being here in Texas I've already had some great opportunities present themselves and with those opportunitities come the chance of my fantasies coming true; Such events include but are not limited to my barrel racing with a competitive horse at some large events here in Texas...well mainly that. My true passion is in rodeo. I think that moving here has only heightened my everlasting love for the sport, specifically barrel racing since I have not yet mastered roping. Nothing has ever compared to it. I have not found something that I love or want more. To me it's not just a hobby, it's the very essence of my future. It's all I've really ever wanted. Granted, sure, there's other things in life that I love and that I want in my future too; in light of it, I love fashion and design. I love traveling and hope to do all of these things in my future. I love keeping up with fashion and design because it's a way to express myself and my creative side. I love traveling because I get to see the beauty of the Earth and everything that He created. The world is the very mold of His imagination. It's all around us and it's so beautiful. So much it is taken for granted. But back to the barrel racing; to me, it's the lifestyle that brings out alot of good in people. As with everything, bad is also brought out; however, the people are like me. I have a group that I fit into so well because we all share the same passion. It's great competition and such an amazing support system to have.

Regardless, Texas is forcing me to look at my priorities and figure some things out. There's good and bad in that statement. Texas, itself, was a priority and an adjustment for me. It was a huge decision that I knew would change and even define my life whether I liked it or not as well as regardless to what my decision was. Thankfully, as the days pass, I do feel as though I've made the right choice. Despite my family not being here with me, they have been so supportive and I acknowledge how lucky I am to have such an incredible family backing me. They've supported me from the get-go. For that I am eternally grateful. It's not everyday that someone gets the chance to change their life and pursue their dreams.

As Always

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