Monday, January 30, 2012

Moving On...


Goodness, goodness, goodness. My life seems to spinning at a million miles per hour. I cannot believe that it's already the end of January! I find it so crazy to say that in 4 months I will be graduating from BHE. There's so much preparation left to do...including applying to schools.

My little Princess went home for the next 6 weeks. :( I miss her already.

Last weekend, while driving around Monmouth, it hit me. I love Monmouth, I really do, but as I drove around I couldn't help but think about how this is going to look 30 years from now. Am I going to be doing this for the next 30 years? Honestly, how amazing can a town look when you already know where everyone lives, what everyone does, who everyone's with, and so on? Pretty darn boring. I can't fathom being there for that long and knowing that much that nothing would ever really excite me again. I realized something very important right then. I need out. I need to get out of Monmouth, even just for a little while. I want to pursue my passion with horses. They are y life and my absolute dream job would be to be a pro barrel racer and win Rookie of the Year. How can I do that from Monmouth? I can't. Not right away at least. And what about all the distractions? Every guy in that town that I've found worth being with have proven to be assholes or douchebags, or run from us. I've got nothing but my family keeping me there. My family will understand if I go away and that's all I need: their support.

My decisions made: After July, I will no longer be living in Warren County, probably not even Illinois. Now where to?!

(&I changed the color of my wordsss!!!)

I don't care if I have to ride this bike; I'm getting away from Monmouth!
Also, I'm pretty sure everyone should have a picture like this at Wal-Mart.

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